Pop Quiz

Friday, November 26, 2010
Here are some of Patti's tweets... I'm going with either True or False, with a brief explanation. If you disagree, let me know? Thanks.

Always date three guys at a time until you are monogamous with one. Men love competition.
I love hearing from guys that I haven't heard from in months and the minute they hear I'm "seeing someone" they all of the sudden turn into needy, horny little boys who want what they can't have, plain and simple. Men love the chase, and you should take advantage of that. Don't settle for one, until you meet "The One."

Sexy is a confident state of mind that no man can resist.
If you feel confident, look confident and act confident (which more or less are all the same thing) No man will be able to resist your appeal. It never fails. I'm not built perfect, but if you got it flaunt it and men will notice, it works, promise.

What’s on the outside DOES count.
This sounds harsh, but you gotta' look like what you want to attract. If you want to attract hott, you gotta look hott. I'm not saying starve yourself, or go all Biggest Loser on me, but take pride in your body, men will appreciate it.

"If you steal another woman's man...then you will lose him the same way you met him."
Ahem... Edmund... sorry, there was something in my throat.. ;) Anyway, this is so true friends... maybe because I have learned this from experience. But be smart, you lose 'em how ya get 'em, just know this, please.

Breaking out the cold weather clothing? Remember: while black is chic and hides all sorts of flaws, it is also boring and unoriginal.
I have on blue today. I will try my hardest not to wear black tonight. You want to stand out in the crowd, not blend in with all the other eligible women trying to hide their flaws. If you got it, flaunt it, it's kind of my thing..

A smile will win his heart instantly.
This goes along with the 5-second stare. If you spot a guy at a party, and you like him or want to be approached, maintain eye contact for 3-5 seconds, and end it with a genuine smile... you will seal the deal. If he doesn't approach you, you may not be his type, or he is taken. No need to fret, you got in some practice ;)

Patti's tweets make me smile. You can follow her twitter @PattiStanger.
I hope she makes you smile too.


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