Thing 4

Friday, November 26, 2010
Hi friends. So I know you're at the edge of your seat wondering how things are going with Mr. Thing... I can just tell.

Well, short of the long... We had, Thing 4? Friday night. I've seemed to have lost track.. but it consisted of:
1. Fun
2. Beer pong (I made him drink the beer and then proceeded to drink a.l.o.t. of wine... )
3. Getting ddd-runk,
4. Not going home
5. Not having sex (What kind of girl do you think I am?... )

Kissing. He FINALLY kissed me. And it was hott.
Is it weird that I was surprised by that?

Needless to say after I made the walk of shame and topped it off with breakfast at DQ I crossed my fingers he would call or text me in at least 3 days. I didn't hold my breath for same day gratification.

Although... to your relief (and mine- because we should all know by now that I was not going to text him ;)
he did text me later that day asking me how my pre-holiday cleaning was going... what a peach.

Patti is wise in her ways, and early on she explained that
you do have to kiss a few frogs before you meet your prince,

and even though this isn't first-hand Patti advice, it's true...

Don't diss it, 'til ya' kiss it friends.


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